If you are adding money to your budget to get your family/friends a little gift why not make it mean something? Whether you choose to personalize it, play into your story, choose something that will actually get use on the day, or add to their lives just make the decision to pick with purpose.
Too often I see this big bag for each girl with a random bottle of water, granola bar, or cutesy candle. Guys look at one another and say, “Here you go man” and hand them a cigar. Can you light that at your venue? Do you want to smell like smoke? Do they actually smoke? No. Then why?
These are your closest friends you asked to be by your side on your biggest day. You know them better than anyone and you are asking them to spend a lot of time, money, and energy on you. Do the same.
Here are some great choices for showing those you love how much you really appreciate them!
A Personalized Coffee Cup — buy here!
You know you are getting up early. You know their will be a photographer following you around. And you know all those cups are going to get mixed up, someone will spill, and you’ll set it down and forget about it at some point. Why not get your girls their own with some pretty calligraphy of their name so they aren’t lost, pictures look curated, and they have something to keep it hot and use again and again?
A Nice Toiletry Bag -
Men and women alike have got to look good on the day. Here is a nice way to say, “Bring your A Game” They can use it over and over and its thoughtful and personal. For the men, you know they never like to spend money on this kind of stuff so its great. For ladies, they already have several most likely but there is nothing like a fresh shiny new makeup tote that isn’t covered in old makeup and filled with old wipes and swabs :)
Beats headphones —
Sometimes you just don’t need the little stuff. You are adults and capable of taking care of yourselves so why not spoil them with something unexpected. Everyone loves headphones but not everyone is willing to spend the money on them. It’s kind of perfect. Will it get used day of? Probably not but they will get used for years to come and they won’t forget where they came from every time they put them on. I recently had a wedding that did this for the groomsmen and you should have seen those guys faces light up! It was better than a boudoir album!
Gift the ladies their hair and/or makeup
Your girls spend a lot of money on their dress and alterations, why not gift them the beauty services on the day instead of a lot of little stuff. Save them an expense unexpectedly, no one is ever salty about that! Besides dress, hair, makeup, engagement gift, alterations, wedding gift, hotel room…. WOAH that adds up fast! They deserve it.
Some Gorg shoes or Accessories for the day —
If you have a winter wedding and know you will be asking those loved ones to fair the elements set them up in style. Faux fur shawls, velvet capes, etc. make those photos and those girls look/feel AMAZING! Summer wedding? Why not spoil them with some stunning new shoes? Girls or guys, everyone loves shoes…. especially free shoes! Flats for the ladies while dancing perhaps because let’s be honest who likes to wear a $300-600 dress with freebie Old Navy duck feet flip flops? Guys how about some Allen Edmonds that will last a lifetime and make you look like a million bucks. Too big a splurge? Go with some tasteful earrings or bracelet. Guys go hipster and do some Chucks or a dress tennis shoe from Cole Haan. There are tons of options out there.
Point is, loose the stationary and TJ Maxx picture frames and opt for something they will actually remember and cherish. As the planner I am in the room after you all leave and let me tell you cuff links, flip flops, beer coozies…. they don’t come home with them. They go home with catering staff or in the trash. The truth hurts.
Need more ideas? Did you give or receive something you loved? Shout it out!